Drag and drop tabs
Drag and drop tabs for Weebly.
The most flexible Weebly tabs available.
Add tabs with top, bottom, left or right navigation. Align them to the left, center or right. Style titles and content with the tons of options included. Add, delete, reorder tabs at any given place. Start using the most flexible tabs on Weebly today: Transform your Weebly blogConvert your Weebly blog into a masonry layout with cards/tiles.
The Blog tiles element will provide your blog with a more modern look. Informative tooltips for Weebly elements.Include informative tooltips for Weebly elements.
The tooltip element can be used on any element which has the option to contain a link, such as titles, text, images and more. The tooltip comes in 2 styles, light and dark. You have the option of only displaying the tooltip without having an actual link, or preserving the link, on which a click event will take the visitor to the included link. SEO Friendly Titles for WeeblyYou will now have access to all heading levels (+ div and span) to create SEO friendly titles that will help you boost the SEO for your website.
Flexible pricing tables for WeeblyCreate attractive pricing tables with our 'Pricing Table' element. Set colors, alignment, and much more for this element. Decide how to responsively display the tables across different screen widths. Your visitors will be more easily engaged to the next step on your Weebly website with our Pricing Table element.
Display recent Weebly blog posts in a sliderThis element works exactly the same as our Recent Blog Post element, only difference is that cards with your posts will be displayed in a nice looking carousel. As with the Recent Blog Post element, title, preview text, image and link will automatically be included. This element will allow you to display up to 25 of your most recent blog articles in cards within the carousel slider.
This element is the better option in case you want to save real estate space on your page as opposed to the Recent Blog Posts element where cards are all laid out in a grid. Recent blog posts cards from your Weebly blogThis element will automatically display up to 25 of your most recent blog articles in cards on any page of your site. The title, preview of text and image will be displayed, linking directly to the blog article. A must have element for your Weebly websites.
Responsive Image slider for WeeblyA responsive image only slider for your Weebly websites. Images inside the slider will resize according to the screen being viewed on and will respect the image ratio at all times. Images need to be cropped as needed before being uploaded, the slider does not provide the option of cropping image or restricting images to a specific ratio. You can style the dots and arrows of the slider so it blends in with your existing Weebly website designs.
Smooth animations for WeeblyWow your visitors by showing content animating in view, if you are want to add some spark to a static website, this is the element to go for. You can choose from a large list of animation types and specify trigger offset as well as duration and delay of the animations. Animate on Scroll will provide you with a content area where elements can be dropped in,
this block of element(s) will animate according to the provided settings. Content rich carousel for WeeblyStunning carousels are now created easily within Weebly. Populate them with content from the sidebar, set up a background for each element individually, style your arrows and you are ready to showcase content in a beautiful way. An absolute must have element for your Weebly website.
Responsive testimonial slidersWhile you can achieve this result by fully creating testimonial sliders with the 'Content Slider' element from OctoMono, the Testimonial Slider provides 2 (currently) predesigned styles, that you simply style as needed to match your Weebly website and you include the text content and images. Star rating for each slide individually is also included. Testimonial Sliders for Weebly will showcase some of your clients positive feedback so visitors will gain more trust in your company.
Responsive content rich slidersYou can now easily create content rich sliders in Weebly, populated with the Weebly elements from your sidebar. Make use of background colors or images for each slide individually. While the content slider element does not have an option to make it full width (edge to edge),
you can achieve this by combining the Blocks element, setting it to full width and nest in your slider. Smooth scrolling to anchorsCreate anchor tags on the same or a different page. Take visitors to the required height on that page with a smooth scrolling effect. Add the link to elements such as titles, paragraphs, buttons and images.
OctoMono Accordion ElementOrganize your content with our accordion element. Enough styling options are included to match your weebly theme. Use as a toggle only element, specify which title should be active and opened on page load and more. Organize your content now with this OctoMono element.
OctoMono LightboxAdd modal windows to your Weebly pages populated with drag and drop elements. Lightboxes can be triggered by any element that can contain a link, such as buttons, text and more. Modal windows are a great option to display content about a specific product or other,
or simply to add images or even a contact form and/or location map. OctoMono Dividers with StyleAdd simple yet beautiful content dividers to your Weebly website with the divider element. Colors, width, height can be used to style your divider. Based on the screen width you can set different properties. Optionally you can add icons (FontAwesome) to your divider to add an extra spark. Make sure to get use of this versatile horizontal divider for your site.
OctoMono Blocks LayoutCreate responsive layouts with our blocks element. Highly flexible and customizable blocks when it comes to layout and design. Make use of background colors, images or videos and add extra spark with some nice parallax effects. You can set specific layout styles depending on screen widths. A must have element to create elegant and responsive layouts.
Make sure to install the OctoMono package on your Weebly website to get full use out of this clever element. OctoMono ButtonsWe just finished setting up the Buttons element. Create beautiful engaging buttons for your Weebly website. Tons of options and styles are available to suit this button element to your needs. This button will bring additional spark to your website.
Start using it today. |